Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

The Real Heart That Came

In 2010 I lost the love that very important for me, but then i realized that that was the best thing that happened to me because after that the good thing came and the happiness always waiting for me to go along with me everyday.
But that day can be disappear one day, and when that day almost gone I looked at a beautiful girl that made my heart shaking and pumping but I didn't know who's that girl, so I wanted to know who's that girl. I started to asked and searched until I know her name. I wanted to know her more, so I sent a message to her from web. and she replied.., I replied that message again she replied again and again and again until I got her phone number.
few days later, I started to text her and from that day I started to know a lot more about her. Her love life was almost the same with me. when I know her very much and I started to love her, I waited for the best time to tell her that I love her.

When that day came, I told her...I Love You and ....(privacy)....
and then she told me, I Love You too
that was one of the best thing in my life, and until now she is still my girlfriend 

Senin, 21 Februari 2011

Tugas TIK SMPN1 Cirebon

Pengertian  browser

Safari (penjelajah web)

Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Apple Safari.png

Safari 2.0.4 (RSS) pada Mac OS X v10.4 sedang menampilkan Halaman Utama Wikipedia
PengembangApple Inc.
Versi rilis terbaru4.0.1 / Mac OS X v10.6 (17 Juni 2009) / Mac OS X v10.6 (28 Agustus 2009)
Sistem operasiMac OS XMicrosoft WindowsiPhone OS
JenisPenjelajah web
LisensiEULA ProprietaryLGPL
Situs webwww.apple.com/safari/
Safari adalah sebuah penjelajah web buatan Apple Inc. yang awalnya ditujukan khusus bagisistem operasi Mac OS. Safari dipasang bersama Mac OS X dan merupakan penjelajah web bawaan (default) di sistem operasi tersebut sejak Mac OS X v10.3. Sebelumnya dari tahun 1997 hingga 2003, Mac OS X menggunakan Internet Explorer for Mac sebagai penjelajah web bawaan. Pada 11 Juni 2007, versi pratayang untuk Windows baik yang cocok untukWindows XP dan Windows Vista dari Safari diperkenalkan pada Muktamar Pengembang Sedunia Apple di San Francisco.

Selasa, 18 Januari 2011


Guys I want to tell you about my favorite sport name, it's NIKE. I like nike because nike has a cool and comfortable pruduct such as shoes, shirt, short, etc. But, I like shoes better. Nike has sport and also casual, skate, and other kind of shoes pruduct. I like sport the most, especially basketball. Here are some picture of nike basketball shoes.

yeaah maybe that is enough. so there are some picture of nike basketball shoes. I'll tell about the rest in the future maybe. so I'm out for now, see you in the future.

Senin, 17 Januari 2011

second time

Hey again haha. This is the second time I post something in this blog hahaha
I'm a little confused about posting something on this blog because I don't like writing something hahaha
maybe this blog is a way for me to change my behaviour.
someone said blogging can be useful if we do it in the right way hehe ya I hope I can do this thing in the right way          . okay wish me luck everybody!

Minggu, 16 Januari 2011

a new blogger

hey guys, I'm e new blogger so i'm not used to play with this thing hehehe
so if there's something wrong with my blog or it is not interesting. I hope you understand cause I'm a beginner :D